“Respiro Hierro” is a pictorial installation composed of two large-format canvases superimposed on each other. The work is inspired by David Foster Wallace's novel The Infinite Joke. The images contained in the installation show a dystopian society in which, among many other things, it is presented as a constant drift towards an apparent self-destruction of identity. Some of the formal elements, as in the novel, revolve around a world of sports competition highlighting the AET institution (Agency Enfield of Tennis) where a discipline with absurd anti-hedonistic moods prevails and complex spheres of friendship normally linked by drug use. On the other hand, Foster's own style when working on the novel is shown as a palimpsest of different situations found among themselves, without there being a defined common thread. Covelo finds certain similarities between my way of proceeding with images and Foster's way of describing. The juxtaposition and overlapping of the scenes described in the book launch into my imagination conflicting ideas represented in this final piece.


Marcos Covelo


Respiro hierro

280 x 235 x 15 cm

Iron frame, synthetic enamel, spray, marker, oil and acrylic on canvas

Price upon request